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  • Writer's pictureSiddhi Gupta

Beauty is not Nudity

Hello love,

Today we are going to talk about something noble , classic or call it aristocratic form of style into fashion. In terms of fashion this style has got many synonyms; Non-reveling style;No exposure style; zero nudity style; and which ever word suits to you to describe this style. Through out this post I will be referring it as Zero Nudity Style. It is a way of dressing up where there is insignificant amount of exposure to the skin and yet it looks very elegant and beautiful. This does not implies that skin exposure is wrong. There are different perspectives to it , let us see what they are.

Dual Perspective of Styling

some people like or say are comfortable with nudity in style where as others do not. The key here is whatever you like and whatever caters to your style. In all these years fashion style as changed in an exorbitant rate.
The rise of naked fashion has led to this change in perspective which says that the body you possess is your greatest beauty and hiding it should be no taboo.
Where as on the other hand the no nudity style says that one's body is sacred and personal to one self and their style should be elegant , decent and the one which reflects royalty .
But it is truly the choice of an individual to have a particular style . It can also be switched and intermixed according to different personal styles.
The fashion which had initially started from clothing and trends has now drifted apart and made nudity the key to it's beauty . This leads us to psychological aspect that skin exposure attracts and which makes a look ors an outfit attractive . Well , the notion of "attractive" is not derived from nudity rather it is a blend of personal style keeping parallel with the outfit planing and consideration of the event you are dressing for.


Why is this Style preferable ?

  1. Confidence: The no nudity style invokes confidence in you. As there is no exposure to the skin so the thought and the consciousness is not diverted towards managing the clothes and avoiding wardrobe malfunction . Your complete attention would be focused on your work or whatever your role is. That gives you a boost of confidence .

2. Royal Look: A perfectly varnished outfit makes you look royal in terms of appearance. It adds the noble touch to your all over turn out. For instance , the non-reveling style is followed by the dukes and the duchess of royal families. one great example of all times is Rachel Meghan Markle , The Duchess of Sussex. Being former actress and now an official princess has changed her style completely.

3.Protection : In the blazing summer season , the concealed styled helps you to protect your skin from sun burn and maintains the absoluteness of you original skin.


No Nudity in Summers ?

YES, it is possible. Let me give you few examples from My No Nudity Look-Book which is designed, keeping in mind the smoldering heat that is experienced in India.


Ripped jeans along with a comfortable Kurta or Kurti (soft and thin cloth material ) is a great way to carry out this form of style in comfort.

It can accessorized in multiple ways as I have shown one way in the above picture. With a belt and a black statement neck piece.


Camo Pants

A camouflage print trouser paired with any full/quarter sleeves T-shirt is one of my most favorite look to have on the go. It can matched up a pair of boots or sneakers and BAM! There you go girl.


Party Call

A turtle neck blouse is one the classiest thing to add in your wardrobe and when worn with a pencil skirt , it gives the royal tint to your look. if the skirt is short(like mine) add a pair of stockings( sheer one pops out better) .or else if the skirt is longer then its not a worry.



For No Nudity Style my fashion icons are:

In India


How elegant is that, oh my god. Prajakta Koli aka Mostlysane is one of the most loved comedy youtuber. Besides comedy , just take a glance at her fashion style . wow.

Simple! Decent! Cute!



Beauty Beauty Beauty ! Aashna Shroff is an Indian Fashion and lifestyle blogger , greatest inspiration and influencer to our generation.


Around the World


A fashion icon and beauty ideal for the whole world. Jennifer Aniston isn't obligated to any introduction to anyone of us.



The lady with a mind blowing style and a great level of intelligence . The mother and father of no nudity and 100% sexy style.



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